Sloppy Kisses: Why Does My Dog Lick Everything?

A woman's dog licking her

Dogs have specific calling cards like barking or digging that are quintessentially canine in nature. Another common behavior among dogs is licking. Puppies learn to lick as a way to investigate everything around them, and this behavior matures as they do. Licking allows dogs to not only taste something delicious, but also to figure out what the object is.

Arlington Animal Hospital would love to explain this sometimes cute, other times gross, behavior in canines:


Help! My Dog Licks Everything All The Time And Without Reason!

A terrier sniffing the floor

No two dogs are the same, and yet all dogs share some universal canine behaviors. To some degree, dogs cannot help doing certain things that seemingly defy human logic. Repetitive behaviors, including obsessive licking, can interrupt a dog’s sense of wellbeing. If your dog licks everything in sight, you might oscillate between wonder, curiosity, irritation, and confusion. Because of their individuality, their behavior is unique to them. But there are definitely ways you can address this canine trait before it gets out of hand. 
